On Tuesday of this week, UKOLN convened a group of invited experts to discuss aggregation in the context of the Resource Discovery Taskforce's vision. The Resource Discovery Taskforce (RDTF), a joint JISC / RLUK venture, has summed up its vision:
mimas: relevant content on this site

Mimas is a nationally designated academic data centre based at The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. Its role is to support the advancement of knowledge, powering world-class research and teaching. Mimas hosts a significant number of the UK's research information assets ‐ and builds applications to help people make the most of this rich resource. The organisation has a longstanding relationship with JISC, developing services that support teaching, learning and research, and strong connections with research councils, especially the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC). (Excerpt from Wikipedia article: Mimas)
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